
Friday, January 12, 2018

It's Already Been Ten Days...

So one of my goals was to do a post once a week but here we are 10 days out. 

Which made me look a little more closely at the word goal. The definition according to google is, "the result or achievement toward which the effort is directed."

Why then do people think their goals have to be met on the spot? As soon as they are stated? When in reality our goals should be a work in progress. 

If we looked at our goals in this way perhaps we'd stick to them longer and actually succeed instead of giving up because the path to the end result is winding instead of a straight path. 

The photo above is from my wedding. I have been with my wife for almost 27 years, yet we've only been legally married for little over a year. However, it was one of our goals. Although we couldn't accomplish this goal due to laws in our state for much of the time, we still didn't give up and once it was legal we worked our butts off to make it happen and it was a beautiful and worth the wait!

Moving forward is my word for the year. In order to keep moving forward I can't keep looking back. Even if I stumble I will keep moving forward. 

I'll take three days late over three months. I have 50 weeks left in 2018 to accomplish my goal and I believe I can do it. 

My best, 


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